Shared Mobility Parameters#
Parameter related to modeling and simulation a shared fleet are described here. Primarily, the shared mobility parameters are contained within the file specified by tnc_fleet_model_file in the scenario file. The typical filename for these parameters is TNCFleetModel.json. You may also come across instances of SAVFleetModel.json or ChicagoTNCFleetModel.json.
The remaining page describes parameters at the TNC Operator level first and strategy-specific parameters follow.
TNC Operator Chooser Model Parameters#
These are the decision parameters on choosing operators as well as choice model parameters that control how operators are chosen from those available. The parameters are contained within two files that are specified in the scenario.json via parameter tnc_fleet_model_file and tnc_operator_chooser_model_file.
These parameters are read in in the TNC_Operator_Chooser_Methods.h header file.
Category |
Parameter Name |
Description |
Default |
Data Type |
Alternative specific constant with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for six-seater vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for six-seater vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for four-seater vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant four-seater vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for six-seater economy vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for six-seater luxury vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for six-seater economy vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for six-seater luxury vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for four-seater economy vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for four-seater luxury vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for four-seater economy vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Alternative specific constant for four-seater vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Cost coefficient for six-seater economy vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Cost coefficient for six-seater luxury vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Cost coefficient for six-seater economy vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Cost coefficient for six-seater luxury vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Cost coefficient for four-seater economy vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Cost coefficient for four-seater luxury vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Cost coefficient for six-seater economy vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Cost coefficient for six-seater luxury vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
Nesting Coefficient | LAMBDA_DRS_YES |
Nesting parameter for pooling nest |
nan |
float |
Nesting parameter for non-pooling nest |
nan |
float |
Nesting parameter for pooling nest with six-seater vehicle |
nan |
float |
Nesting parameter for non-pooling nest with six-seater vehicle |
nan |
float |
Nesting parameter for pooling nest with four-seater vehicle |
nan |
float |
Nesting parameter for non-pooling nest with four-seater vehicle |
nan |
float |
Service Choice | use_service_choice |
Boolean to use service choice in the model or not. Triggers the use of parameters in the nested logit for service and seating choice. |
nan |
boolean |
In-vehicle travel time coefficient for six-seater economy with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
In-vehicle travel time coefficient for six-seater luxury vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
In-vehicle travel time coefficient for six-seater economy vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
In-vehicle travel time coefficient for six-seater luxury without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
In-vehicle travel time coefficient for six-seater vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
In-vehicle travel time coefficient for six-seater vehicle with dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
In-vehicle travel time coefficient for six-seater vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
In-vehicle travel time coefficient for six-seater vehicle without dynamic ride sharing (pooling) |
nan |
float |
TNC Fleet Model Parameters#
These are the TNC fleet model parameters that control the high-level fleet characteristics. The parameters are contained within the file that is specified in the scenario.json via parameter tnc_fleet_model_file.
These parameters are read in in the TNC_Operator_Methods.h header file.
Category |
Parameter Name |
Description |
Default |
Data Type |
Electric TNC Vehicle | SAME_EV_RANGE_FLAG |
Flag to set the EV range uniformly across the fleet for each operator |
nan |
boolean |
Flag to set the EV battery mean and std dev, if not all EVs will start with 100% battery |
nan |
boolean |
Discrete set of EV range for assigning to vehicles in mi. Talk to Murthy before using this feature - may not work. |
nan |
IntArray |
Distribution of the different ranges in SET_OF_EV_RANGES for assigning to vehicles. Talk to Murthy before using this feature - may not work. |
nan |
FloatArray |
If SAME_EV_RANGE_FLAG is True, specify the range of the EV in miles. |
nan |
float |
If EV_INITIAL_SoC_RANGE_FLAG is true, the set the mean of the distribution in whole percent (for example, use 85 to denote 85%) |
nan |
float |
If EV_INITIAL_SoC_RANGE_FLAG is true, the set the standard deivation of the distribution in whole percent (for example, for 1% use 1) |
nan |
float |
Euclidian_Factor |
Euclidean factor used to inflate distance used in approximate range utilization calculations before assigning requests to vehicles |
nan |
float |
Fleet Characteristics | TNC_FLEET_SIZE |
Fleet size of shared vehicles to simulate in the region. This will be scaled by the traffic_scale_factor within the simulation. Minimum value by default is 1. |
nan |
integer |
Maximum wait time in minutes used in searching for nearby vehicle candidates for matching. This time includes assignment and pickup time. |
nan |
float |
Maximum time to allow a request to wait for a vehicle match, after which the request will be failed. |
nan |
float |
Time before a reservation to start looking for an assignment |
nan |
float |
Default value for number of seats in all vehicles within the fleet. Will soon rely on vehicle characteristics for number of seats. |
nan |
float |
delivery_type |
String that specifies what types of requests are catered to by each operator. Possible options currently are "person", "meals_and_grocery", "relocator", and "mixed". |
nan |
string |
Human Driver Operation | human_driver_ratio |
Decimal fraction of vehicles in the fleet that are operated by human drivers |
nan |
float |
human_request_cancellation_prob |
Decimal probability of drivers cancelling a request |
nan |
float |
human_driver_types_dist |
Distribution of human drivers who may stay in place while not serving a trip, repoisition to zone expected to have high demand, reposition to zone expected to have high surge factor. |
nan |
FloatArray |
driver_rating_min |
Minimum value of driver rating when using a uniform distribution |
nan |
float |
driver_rating_max |
Maximum value of driver rating when using a uniform distribution |
nan |
float |
Operational Constraints | geofence_flag |
Flag to denote if the shared mobility service is limited to operate within a geofence |
nan |
boolean |
geofence_zonebased_flag |
If geofence_flag is true, flag to specific if the geofence is defined using zone IDs |
nan |
boolean |
geofence_inclusion_zones |
If geofence_zonebased_flag is true, set of zones where operator CAN serve trips |
nan |
IntArray |
geofence_exclusion_zones |
If geofence_zonebased_flag is true, set of zones where operator CANNOT serve trips |
nan |
IntArray |
geofence_areatype_limit |
If geofence_zonebased_flag is false, areatype limit less than within which the operator can serve trip |
nan |
float |
TNC Demand | force_tnc_over_auto |
Flag to force all auto demand to use shared mobility |
nan |
boolean |
use_fmlm |
Flag to set if operator supports pickups and dropoffs at transit stops for first-mile-last-mile trips |
nan |
boolean |
magic_fmlm |
Flag to allow router-only first-mile-last-mile trips without passing trips through to actual shared vehicles in the simulation. This means no wait time or travel delays are experienced. |
nan |
boolean |
overwrite_input_party_size |
Flag to set the distribution of request party size using an input, as opposed to reading it from the Demand database |
nan |
boolean |
party_size_distribution |
if overwrite_input_party_size is true, the distribution of 1,2,3, and 4-person parties can be set for generation |
nan |
FloatArray |
TNC Maintenance | uniform_service_dist |
Flag that controls if shared mobility maintenance is randomly distributed throughout the simulation day |
nan |
boolean |
service_dist |
Ability to specific the hourly probability distribution of when shared vehicles need to sent for maintenance/cleaning |
nan |
FloatArray |
TNC Pooling | pooling_discount_for_fare |
Percentage of discount offered on total fare when pooling ride is requested |
nan |
float |
TNC Services and Operators | services_offered |
Set of services offered by an Operator |
nan |
StringArray |
dist_services_offered |
Distribution of fleets by service type. It should sum to 1. |
nan |
FloatArray |
market_capture_prob_for_loyalty |
Market share of Operators (between 0 and 1) |
nan |
float |
TNC Strategy | strategy_name |
User-provided strategy name to define a collection of control-specific strategies to load that the operator will use. The name chosen here should be a section available in the input model file and should contain strategy-specific parameters. |
nan |
string |
init_vehicle_state_strategy |
Strategy name to load to initialize vehicle state for a run. Available options in the theory section on shared mobility. |
nan |
string |
assignment_strategy |
Strategy name to load for assignment or matching. Available options in the theory section on shared mobility. |
nan |
string |
fare_strategy |
Strategy name to load for setting fares after trip completion or to query an estimate before trip. Available options in the theory section on shared mobility. |
nan |
string |
reposition_strategy |
Strategy name to load repositioning control of fleet. Available options in the theory section on shared mobility. |
nan |
string |
charging_strategy |
Strategy name to load charging and discharging behavior. Available options in the theory section on shared mobility. |
nan |
string |
maintenance_strategy |
Strategy name to load for maintenance and cleaning of fleet. Available options in the theory section on shared mobility. |
nan |
string |
parking_strategy |
Strategy name to load to control parking between trips. Available options in the theory section on shared mobility. |
nan |
string |
Should always be true. Storage architecture for finding nearby vehicles. |
nan |
boolean |
Interval in minutes where outputs are logged to DB |
nan |
float |
TNC Default Strategy Model Parameters#
These are the strategy parameters that decide how the TNC fleet operates during the simulation. The parameters are contained within the file that is specified in the scenario.json via parameter tnc_fleet_model_file.
These parameters are read in in the TNC_Default_Strategy_Methods.h header file.
Category |
Parameter Name |
Description |
Default |
Data Type |
Default_Strategy | MAX_EVCS_WAIT_MINUTES |
To be moved |
nan |
nan |
To be moved |
nan |
nan |
To be moved |
nan |
nan |
Electric TNC Vehicle | MIN_EV_SoC |
Minimum electric vehicle state of charge below which vehicle will stop accepting requests. Required by all strategies that use EVs. |
nan |
float |
The maximum battery level to charge the electric shared vehicle up to before charging is cutoff. Required by all strategies that support EV operation. |
nan |
float |
Parking_Strategy | parking_flag |
Flag that ensures shared vehicles park at a parking location if set. Required for all parking strategies. |
nan |
boolean |
rideshare_minimize_park_cost |
Flag that, when true, minimizes a parking cost that is a function of distance and money charged, and minimizes distance if false. |
nan |
boolean |
rideshare_max_park_distance |
Maximum parking distance in meters that is allowed. |
nan |
float |
rideshare_max_park_cost |
Maximum dollar charge for parking that is allowed |
nan |
float |
rideshare_avg_park_time |
Average parking time in minutes assumed for cost calculation when finding nearest parking |
nan |
float |
Pooling | DRS_FLAG |
Flag that controls if dynamic ride-sharing or pooling is active or not. Required for all matching strategies. |
nan |
boolean |
Theoretic maximum allowable delay that any request can experience when pooled. Required for all matching strategies. |
nan |
float |
Theoretical maximum percentage delay compared to door-to-door travel time when pooled. Required for all matching strategies. |
nan |
float |
directionality_threshold_degrees |
Deviation in degrees from line connecting current trip's O to D relative to line connecting O to new request's pickup. |
nan |
float |
Repositioning | repositioning_flag |
Flag that controls if fleet repositions or not. Required for all repositioning strategies. |
nan |
boolean |
repositioning_solver |
String that is used to change the underlying fleet position optimization - can be any string supported by Google OR Tools (currently {'GLOP','SCIP','CBC','CLP','CP-SAT'}. |
string |
demand_window_size |
Fraction of an hour used to aggregate past demand for use as a predictor of future demand |
nan |
float |
time_tradeoff |
Travel time tradeoff in seconds above which repositioning is executed |
nan |
float |
alpha |
Factor of past demand used for prediction to ensure some smoothness in how many vehicles to reposition |
nan |
float |
TNC Maintenance | SERVICE_FLAG |
Flag that controls whether or not the shared fleet vehicles are periodically subject to maintenance and cleaning |
nan |
boolean |
Flag that allows scheduling a maintenance trip if the vehicle's current destination is relatively close to a maintenance station |
nan |
boolean |
If SERVICE_CONVENIENCE_FLAG is true, then this is the distance in miles from current destination to a nearby maintenace depot that is allowed |
nan |
float |
service_time |
Time in minutes taken to perform service/maintenance |
nan |
float |
clean_service_time |
Time in minutes taken to perform vehicle cleaning |
nan |
float |
max_service_trips_per_day |
Maximum number of service/maintenance/cleaning trips that a shared vehicle can be subject to in a simulation day |
nan |
float |
max_tours_before_cleaning |
Maximum tour chains (a series of pickup and dropoffs in the case of pooling) before the vehicle needs to be cleaned |
nan |
float |
Georgia Tech’s ODMTS Strategy Model Parameters#
Assignment strategy parameters used to initialize and operate Georgia Tech’s ODMTS pooling strategy. The parameters are contained within the file that is specified in the scenario.json via parameter tnc_fleet_model_file.
These parameters are read in in the TNC_Riley2018_Strategy_Methods.h header file.
Category |
Parameter Name |
Description |
Default |
Data Type |
Joint Electric Vehicle Charging and Repositioning Strategy Model Parameters#
Assignment and repositioning strategy parameters used to initialize and operate UT’s joint EVCR strategy. The parameters are contained within the file that is specified in the scenario.json via parameter tnc_fleet_model_file.
These parameters are read in in the TNC_Joint_EVCR_Strategy_Methods.h header file.
Category |
Parameter Name |
Description |
Default |
Data Type |
The weight parameter (determined by modeler discretion) to increase charging by increasing the objective value (alpha in paper) |
nan |
nan |
The minimum state of charge (SOC) for a vehicle to count as eligible for repositioning in a supply sense (say 40.0 for 40%) |
nan |
nan |
Minimum level for a vehicle to be eligible for repositioning when reviewing idle vehicles to reposition (say 40 for 40%). |
nan |
nan |
State of charge (SoC) when battery will stop charging (say 95.0 for 95%) |
nan |
nan |
Sets the number of available parking spots at the charging stations where vehicles can queue while waiting to charge (multiplied by # of plugs at the zonal level) (say 0.30). |
nan |
nan |
Joint_Charging_Repositioning_Strategy | time_tradeoff |
Weight parameter (determined by modeler discretion) to penalize unmet demand, represented in the slack variable. It is also used to exclude faraway zones (by estimated travel time) for each eligible repositioning vehicle. |
nan |
float |
alpha |
Factor of past demand used for prediction to ensure some smoothness in how many vehicles to reposition |
nan |
float |
Required Strategy Parameters | repositioning_flag |
Flag that controls if fleet repositions or not. Required for all repositioning strategies. |
nan |
boolean |
Stable Matching Strategy Parameters#
These are the strategy parameters specific to using the stable matching strategy that balances rider and driver preferences. The parameters are contained within the file that is specified in the scenario.json via parameter tnc_fleet_model_file.
These parameters are read in in the TNC_Stable_Matching_Strategy_Methods.h header file.
Category |
Parameter Name |
Description |
Default |
Data Type |
Algorithm Weights | ev_preference_factor |
Preference weight for choosing an electric vehicle |
nan |
float |
driver_rating_weight |
Preference weight for driver rating of vehicle that is a viable candidate |
nan |
float |
Pooling | DRS_FLAG |
Flag that controls if dynamic ride-sharing or pooling is active or not. Required for all matching strategies. |
nan |
boolean |
Theoretic maximum allowable delay that any request can experience when pooled. Required for all matching strategies. |
nan |
float |
Theoretical maximum percentage delay compared to door-to-door travel time when pooled. Required for all matching strategies. |
nan |
float |
Preferences | matching_request_preference |
Boolean to consider request preference matching in algorithm |
nan |
boolean |
matching_vehicle_preference |
Boolean to consider vehicle preference matching in algorithm |
nan |
boolean |
Dynamic Fare Strategy Parameters#
These are the strategy parameters specific to using the dynamic fare setting policies. The parameters are contained within the file that is specified in the scenario.json via parameter tnc_fleet_model_file.
These parameters are read in in the TNC_Dynamic_Fare_Strategy_Methods.h header file.
Category |
Parameter Name |
Description |
Default |
Data Type |
Fare Controls | dynamic_fare_flag |
Boolean to set whether fares vary dynamically throughout the simulation or a fixed per-mi, per minute, and base fare will be applied to request |
nan |
boolean |
tod_fare_flag |
Boolean for specific type of dynamic fare strategy that only is applied for particular times of day |
nan |
boolean |
TOD_surge_factor |
Factor applied to fares in the designated times of day to surge fares |
nan |
float |
zone_surge_multiplier_flag |
Maximum factor applied to fares in particular zones that meet demand and supply criteria to surge fares |
nan |
float |
surge_calculation_interval |
Simulation time in seconds to update the surges used for each zone |
nan |
float |
Time Periods | rideshare_am_peak_period_start |
Simulation time in hour of day to denote the start of AM peak period for ridehailing/ridesharing trips |
nan |
float |
rideshare_am_peak_period_end |
Simulation time in hour of day to denote the end of AM peak period for ridehailing/ridesharing trips |
nan |
float |
rideshare_pm_peak_period_start |
Simulation time in hour of day to denote the start of PM peak period for ridehailing/ridesharing trips |
nan |
float |
rideshare_pm_peak_period_end |
Simulation time in hour of day to denote the end of PM peak period for ridehailing/ridesharing trips |
nan |
float |
Alonso-Mora et al.’s Ride-Sharing Strategy Parameters#
These are the parameters specific to running the AlonsoMora strategy for assignment. The parameters are contained within the file that is specified in the scenario.json via parameter tnc_fleet_model_file.
These parameters are read in in the TNC_DRS_AlonsoMora_Strategy_Methods.h header file.
Category |
Parameter Name |
Description |
Default |
Data Type |
Optimization | batched_interval_seconds |
Interval in seconds to batch requests before applying matching optimization |
nan |
float |
n_vehicles_per_request |
Number of vehicles considered as a candidate for each request. |
nan |
integar |
Pooling | DRS_FLAG |
Flag that controls if dynamic ride-sharing or pooling is active or not. Required for all matching strategies. |
nan |
boolean |
Theoretic maximum allowable delay that any request can experience when pooled. Required for all matching strategies. |
nan |
float |
Theoretical maximum percentage delay compared to door-to-door travel time when pooled. Required for all matching strategies. |
nan |
float |
Routing | TT_cutoff_for_routing_vs_skim_seconds |
If strategy uses router to get travel time (instead of skims), the cutoff value below which the router is used. |
nan |
float |